She dabbed a drop of the musky perfume behind each ear.
We cannot afford to drop behind our competitors.
Simply drop off your finished books and take those ones that other people left behind.
Hansel had seen no cat, but he stayed behind every time to drop a white pebble from his pocket on the ground as they walked.
Her long illness caused her to drop behind the rest of the class.
Ford posted a 19% drop, and sales of its F-150 pick-up fell behind Toyota's Camry and Corolla for the first time.
福特公司的汽车销量下降了19%,而F- 150型皮卡车的销量首次落后于丰田的嘉美和花冠。
What’s behind the population drop?
France's high labor costs seem to be behind the drop off in exports.
The number of times you drop down seems to happen more in this model because server side toolkits usually lag behind in adopting new richer components.
Here's why: the next time you drop off a prescription order, you might see a robot behind the counter.
A decline in smoking, one of the top risk factors for the disease, may be behind the drop in cases.
Nevada was close behind with a 7.7 per cent fertility rate drop and a 12.5 per cent jobless rate - the second worst state for both job losses and a birth rate fall.
It fell upon the hillside just behind my house. One single drop of water joined with others forming a stream.
As one of my colleagues says, "an easy answer to accessibility might be SOA — drop it behind a web service."
Goalkeepers will sweep behind the defense and come out to collect balls which drop over the defenders heads.
The drag handlers are uninstalled, leaving the original onmousedown handlers behind, ready to start the next drag-and-drop sequence.
这个拖动处理程序将被卸载,只留下最初的 onmousedown 处理程序,准备好开始下一轮的拖放过程。
This is also true with those who temporarily drop behind .
That saw them finish February in fourth place and March in second but a 3-0 defeat at Swansea City and a 2-2 draw at Watford saw them drop back to third, a point behind Cardiff.
Set the ellipse to Multiply from the Transparency Panel and send it behind the ladybug to the bottom left, creating a drop shadow.
What's behind the population drop?
Autumn is cruel, because reception in the stunning drop behind the scenes of joy, and the rest is yellow branches and leaves of Montreal.
Ken leaped and raced across a few rooftops, managing to drop behind him.
Try to toss the ball into the same spot every time? Let your racket head drop behind you and then hit the ball suddenly.
Herr long illness caused her to drop behind the rest of the class.
In your behind, drop a land, friends, ah!
It takes guts to drop everything and leave the real world behind, but those who take the plunge will find that the reward is massive.
A towering cliff stood behind them, a sheer drop, black and faceless.
If there is a drop in X-ray receipt when GOES-O is in eclipse behind the Earth, why would there be a spike when the satellite is at dusk?
倘若GOES - O卫星在地球后面被遮蔽时,收到的X射线的量下降了,那卫星在黄昏的时刻X射线的量又怎么会上涨呢?
But the theory research of this technique still not opportune, its theory research is drop behind practice.
But the theory research of this technique still not opportune, its theory research is drop behind practice.