What most people don't expect, but do fear, is a drop back into recession.
The more little tidbits of contact you drop back into your ex's court, the more frustrating it will become for your ex when you continue to resist further efforts.
Global diversification thus provides an automatic buffer against a dollar drop, unless the fund managers have hedged the holdings back into U.S. currency.
That Wenger deliberately chose to drop more offensive players into the full-back positions demonstrates quite how important it was that his full-backs were excellent on the ball.
The big drop may also have lured some buyers back into the market Friday.
Likewise, when you drag a portlet into an area that the administrator has locked, the portlet snaps back to its original position when you attempt to drop it.
At sunset, the Sun would drop below the horizon, then pop back up into view before resuming its normal course, ultimately setting again for a second time within a week.
On this trip to Dreamland Village, volunteers are interviewing the parents of drop-out students, to see what help they may provide to get the children back into school.
In fact we seem to oscillate several times over a normal day, from higher to lower focus and then back to higher, until we drop off at last into sleep.
When he spots one ripening in the afternoon sun, he sits back and patiently waits for the fruit to drop from the tree into his PAWS.
Gold moved slightly higher yesterday as bargain hunters came back into the market after the big drop a day before.
Why, when they cool and lose their allure, do I want to ask the waiter to drop them back into the fryer again?
Suitable means shall be provided to prevent back flow of water into steam pipes in case there is any sudden drop in steam pressure.
"Now, sit with your back to the hole and drop your beautiful tail into the water," said Fox.
She felt the dizzy drop, then the supporting lift of the swing. When she opened her eyes she was looking up into the blue sky and was about to fly back through the door.
She felt the dizzy drop, then the supporting lift of the swing. When she opened her eyes she was looking up into the blue sky and was about to fly back through the door.