That's important—this really does happen, stocks really do drop in price on the ex-dividend date.
I foresee a substantial drop in price next year.
That's an important — this really does happen, stocks really do drop in price on ex-dividend date.
In this case, you want to display negative values in red to visually represent a drop in price.
If the reason for the sharp and unexpected drop in price was one-off event, you would probably be better off holding.
Thirdly, the drop in price and the simultaneous improvement in the functions have made it possible for an average person to make use of a cell phone.
You may buy a product that your recipient does not like, that does not function properly, or that will have a drop in price later when a newer model comes out.
Under this rule — which would require international agreement and federal legislation — the buying pressure on CDS would greatly diminish, and all outstanding CDS would drop in price.
In Britain the drop was more pronounced, with the volume of books down 4% and value down 6%, spurred lower by aggressive price competition in the major book chains and supermarkets.
The cooling auto market has caused the price for a car plate in Shanghai to drop for a 2nd consecutive month.
The Consumer price Index's 1% drop in a single month grabs headlines, but nine-tenths of that relates to falling food and energy prices.
Select Expressionexpression icon in the Palette, and drop it on the design surface in the table cell for the first stock price.
选择Palette中的Expressionexpression icon,并将其放在设计图面上第一个股票价格的表格单元格中。
Japanese game-maker Nintendo suffered its first drop in annual profit in 6 years, hit by a price cut for the Wii home console and sliding global sales.
So far, those supply chains seem to be intact, partly helped by the sharp drop in the price of oil.
In 2000, after a big drop in profits, its share price took a tumble (see chart below).
Even in arid market economies where every drop is precious, the price of water seldom reflects scarcity.
Installations of software tend to take months, maintenance costs more than the original product price, and unexpected delays and down time result in a massive drop in productivity.
Last month Yahoo! Said that a new advertising algorithm that it had designed to close the gap in profitability will be delayed, and its share price fell by 22%, its biggest-ever one-day drop.
A drop in Apple's stock price is causing a mild panic.
Often, such suits are filed after a sharp drop in a company's share price, causing losses to investors.
This is consistent with a recent drop in property sales growth across the country and falling house price inflation.
I can't envision a scenario in which the price gap will drop significantly anytime soon.
The price of iron ore may be falling, but this year's drop in benchmark prices is the first since 2002.
A drop in brand value, according to Mr. Yoshikawa, is determined through a combination of factors including sales declines and stock price falls.
The housing price per square meter surged one thousand yuan on average across the country last year and experts expect the housing price to drop in the second quarter/quarter two.
The immediate drop in Apple's share price does not mean that the company is in trouble.
The consumer price index fell 1.7 percent in November, the Labor Department said, the second consecutive record-setting monthly drop.
Ecuador was hit hard by a 77% drop in the price of its oil exports from June 2008 to February 2009, as well as a decline in remittances from abroad.
Drag and drop a Link component from the palette and drop it on the output text component in the Price column.
Drag and drop a Link component from the palette and drop it on the output text component in the Price column.