Mice were trained to push levers to get either of two rewards. Press one lever, out comes a drop of sugar water.
Schumer was speaking on NBC's Meet The Press program. But patience and calm nerves may be hard to find at a time when U.S. financial markets continue to drop at alarming rates.
As the Economist went to press, Intel, the world's largest chipmaker and an industry bellwether, was expected to report a drop in fourth-quarter revenues of more than 20% compared with a year earlier.
Press the other and they get a drop of different tasting sugar water.
Just drop in your data and press the button.
Let your heel drop down, press into the ball of your left foot and rise to your toes.
Once you're on the ice, you drill your holes, line up the holes that are inside the Wilcraft, and press a couple switches to drop the hull onto the ice.
Make sure Classifiers is selected in the drop-down menu, and then press + to create a new rule in the rule composer (see Figure 25).
Make sure Actions is selected in the drop-down menu, and press + to create your first action rule.
Although the hydraulic forging press is a more expensive piece of equipment than a drop-forge, it has advantages beside those of giving greater strength and more uniform structure to large components.
The pressing mold can fast, conveniently and accurately press gaps on samples in drop weighted tear tests.
Grasping this reality, I let go of my bag, drop to my knees and press my forehead against the floor.
Press the soles of your feet together and let your knees drop down, then open your feet like you are reading the pages of a book, and now lean over like you're hugging a ball.
The forging pump press divides into the drop forging hydraulic press and the free forging hydraulic press two kinds.
The drop forging hydraulic pressure confidential USES the mold, but the free forging hydraulic press does not use the mold.
Cleanse face and neck with a cleanser of your choice. Apply a drop of rose serum on finger tip then gently pat and press onto your face, throat and decollete.
Press one lever, out comes a drop of sugar water.
The common methods for knitting the V type necks on the common flat knitting machine include narrowing, press-off, combination of narrowing point and narrowing, comb drop narrowing, and so on.
Use: press the small bathing milk on the palm, combines massage cleaning, or drop in the bath ball, sponge ball, slightly cleaned.
Use: press the small bathing milk on the palm, combines massage cleaning, or drop in the bath ball, sponge ball, slightly cleaned.