The recent drop in agricultural commodity prices had not altered this view, as food prices remained well above historical levels, analysts said.
Additionally, you can drop procedures and functions or view the cataloged source code for them for further editing.
Of course, you cannot explicitly create or drop these system catalog tables, but you can query and view their content.
Then each client (in the bottom left or right panels) can select which address book instance to view by selecting it from their respective drop-down boxes.
Therefore, you simply implement the edit view as a form with two drop-down lists with the allowed values for the two user preferences.
Drag and drop the file into the navigation view, where it is represented by a new navigation section.
In this view, models can be manipulated and pattern instances be parameterized via drag-and-drop.
To edit an existing link, select the link in the view and use the view's drop-down menu.
You can create, delete, or rename a child category; drag and drop the managed system node from physical panel to the logical view; and rename a managed system.
You can start previewing your custom information center as soon as you drag and drop one piece of content, such as a file, into the navigation view.
In addition to presenting reports from the server, the client also includes ease of use features such as a drop down combo box to select report view types directly in the client.
Some of the properties can be easily identified from the J2C UI, and you can view the list of possible values in a drop-down list.
在 J2C用户界面上可以很容易地确定一些属性,您可以在下拉列表中看到一列可能的值。
You can drag and drop the necessary items into your view in the appropriate locations.
The Library Explorer View allows drag-and-drop functionality from existing report libraries into the current report.
You use this list to populate the drop-down combo box for the view against which your mail rules execute.
Testers simply drag and drop (via the reuse view) or copy and paste by link (via CTRL-L) to create modular test scripts.
测试人员可以简单地拖拽(通过复用视图)或复制粘贴链接(通过CTRL - L)来创建模块化测试脚本。
To finish, listing 15 shows how to add some logic in the onedit method to set the two drop-down lists in the edit view with the values stored in the ItemSet.
When the menu item or toggle button is selected, a filter, as shown in Listing 6, is added to Display to enable drag and drop of Editor and View tabs.
当用户选择这个菜单项或触发按钮时,就会有一个如 清单6 所示的过滤器被添加到Display 中,从而启用编辑器和视图标签的拖放操作。
Customizing drag and drop of View tabs.
When you set this, the portlet does not display the application selection drop-down menu, view selection drop-down menu, search box, or tag cloud.
You can open that view by using the Link to other artifacts button on the element toolbar or in the element's drop-down menu.
您也可以使用元素工具栏或者元素下拉菜单中的Linkto o therartifacts按钮,来打开该视图。
The second view is the aforementioned pattern Explorer, which displays available patterns along with a description, and provides a drag-and-drop instantiation mechanism.
Note: Alternatively, you can drag the XSD file from your file system and drop it in the WESBtoWBEIntegration62 project in the Business Explorer view.
注意:或者,您也可以在BusinessExplorer视图中将xsd文件从您的文件系统拖放到WESBtoWBEIntegration 62项目中。
And of course, you can always use drag and drop in the Outline view, too.
Drag and drop the Singleton Pattern instance from the Pattern Explorer into the UML Class Diagram view.
将Singleton模式实例从模式浏览器中拖拽到UM l类图视图中。
Drag the broker SDO from the page data view and drop it onto the page editor (Figures 17 and 18).
Perspectives can be customized by moving views and editors around using drag & drop, and by adding new views to a perspective (click Window > Show view)
可以通过使用拖拽和释放移动视图和编辑器,或通过向透视图中添加新的视图Window >Showview)来定制透视图。
You can drag and drop a class to a new package in the Package Explorer view, and the refactoring will take place automatically.
Assign the OneViewController view controller class for the selected One view view using the class drop down list.
I prefer to make JUnit a Fast view by dragging it to the left side of the workspace until Eclipse lets me drop the JUnit view on the Fast view bar.