Drug resistant gene were positioned by plasmids conjugation experiments.
Transconjugation test showed that the drug resistant gene is located in plasmid.
Following the development of research, people realize the effect of the drug resistant gene, and the multi-drug resistant gene is playing an important part in the intractable epilepsy.
Implant infection of Escherichia coli strains showed high levels of resistance, resistance spectrum to expand, and multiple drug resistance. The drug resistant gene is complex and diverse.
Ecologists warned of gene pollution from genetically modified organisms, and overuse of livestock antibiotics was widely blamed for drug-resistant "superbugs."
Objective To study the expression and function of zinc ribbon gene ZNRD1 in drug resistant cells of gastric cancer.
OBJECTIVE To investigate the effect of drug concentration, drug structure of fluoroquinolones on the resistant gene of Escherichia coli mutants selected in the mutant selection window (MSW).
For example, transfer of virulence gene and transmission of drug-resistant gene mediated by a phage results in gene polymorphism of bacteria, which is an important problem in medicine and genetics.
The researchers found that in drug-resistant patients, found a gene called MET, which was targeted to activate and become resistant to treatment.
The researchers found that in drug-resistant patients, found a gene called MET, which was targeted to activate and become resistant to treatment.