To harvest oil and gas profitably from the North Sea, we must focus on the exploitation of small reserves as the big wells run dry.
Three days into production, the kitty had run dry.
Streams had run dry for the first time in memory.
The wells in most villages in the region have run dry.
The competition is planned as a dry run for the World Cup finals.
Vaccine supplies started to run dry as the flu outbreak reached epidemic proportions.
The supply of oil can be shut off unexpectedly at any time, and in any case, the oil wells will all run dry in thrty years or so at the present rate of use.
The mountain spring has run dry.
The baggies keep my feet dry even when I run through puddles.
We need to save at least half an hour for another dry run.
Some people say it could be a dry run for transferring Arabs in northern Israel to the West Bank.
Vehicles have run dry and, six days in, a huge part of population is starting to go hungry.
Before you start your new role, take care of all the little things, such as taking your clothes to the cleaners or doing a dry run of your commute.
This year's report moved it up again — projecting that the system will run dry in 2037.
Once the bauxite is gone, they fear, the streams will run dry.
Her more extreme opponents suspect that the declaration of martial law in Maguindanao is a dry-run for its imposition more broadly.
It will be a crucial dry run for the commercial success of the larger planes.
The parcels may have been part of a dry-run for a future attack, something that Mr Brennan didn’t rule out.
Allowing a "simulation" (dry run) before actually committing to the backup.
Voters seemed to approve, giving him strong support in last year’s provincial elections that were seen as a dry run for this year’s general one.
Nothing will be affected on the system when the -n (dry run) option is used.
当使用- n(预演)选项时,不会影响系统。
The complex logistical preparations will serve as a dry run for future efforts.
The poll will also serve as a dry run for a general election due at the end of next year.
Because rsync can make some significant changes, you might prefer to add the — dry-run option to the command line to preview what rsync plans to do.
因为rsync可能执行一些重要的更改,所以您可能希望为该命令行添加——dry - run选项,以便预览rsync计划完成哪些操作。
We performed two TRRs: one internal and one with the customer. The internal TRR was basically a dry run, serving as a check of the following
对于我们来说下一个里程碑是测试完成情况检查(TRR),我们执行了两个 TRR :一个是内部的,一个是与客户一起的。
Try cfengine with the -v -n (verbose dry run) options to see what that configuration would do.
请带- v- n(详细的预演)选项尝试运行cfengine,看一下这个配置将做些什么。
Try cfengine with the -v -n (verbose dry run) options to see what that configuration would do.
请带- v- n(详细的预演)选项尝试运行cfengine,看一下这个配置将做些什么。