Roughly half the dry weight of a tree is made up of stored carbon, most of which is released when the tree rots or is burned.
By switching to buying potatoes by dry weight, Walkers could reduce frying time by 10% and farmers could avoid the cost of humidification.
10% of human dry weight comes from bacteria.
Method: Single factor randomized block design was applied, plant samples were collected and investigated periodically, and dry weight, production and the main active ingredient content were measured.
Besides. the dry weight of mature seeds Q is also controlled by the duration of development measured in number of days, d, of the corn seeds.
Dosage: as raw material of the dry weight of 0.05% -0.6%, the amount should not be excessive, according to the actual quality of raw materials through testing to determine the specific usage.
参考用量:为原材料干重的0.05% - 0.6%,用量不宜过多,请根据实际的原材料质量通过试验确定具体使用量。
The localities with maximum root dry weight in every layer of C distributed like a bow with vertical taproot as bowstring, and those of cotton in C-W were farther from cotton plant.
Additionally, genotypic (genet) variation of plant dry weight, total leaf area and total stolon length in the experimental plants was found.
Objective to evaluate the effect of automatic biofeedback regulation of blood volume monitor in estimating dry weight of hemodialysis patients.
Synergist could also increase tiller capability and dry weight accumulation of rice.
The more suitable carbon sources for mycelial growth in liquid medium (mycelial dry weight) were fructose and maltose.
Objective: Using the technology of noninvasive hemodynamic monitorization to monitor the water load by which we could observe the effect of noninvasive hemodynamics for the dry weight in hemodialysis.
Starch content in root was positively correlation with dry weight of root.
The grain density of core samples is calculated from the measured dry weight divided by the grain volume.
Dosage: as raw material dry weight of 0.03% -0.05%, raw materials, according to the actual quality through testing to determine the specific usage.
参考用量:为原材料干重的0.03% - 0.05%,请根据实际的原材料质量通过试验确定具体使用量。
Dosage: as raw material dry weight of 0.01% -0.03%, raw materials, according to the actual quality through testing to determine the specific usage.
参考用量:为原材料干重的0.01% - 0.03%,请根据实际的原材料质量通过试验确定具体使用量。
Disc area and height were used for calculation of the normalized mechanical parameters. Glycosaminoglycan content was normalized by dry weight.
Fiber strength depended on the dry weight per fiber length, content of cellulose, thickness of cell wall, maturity, density of cell wall and other sub-factors.
Significant positive correlation coefficient was found between drought resistance and root dry weight.
Same average density can be used to estimate stem dry weight of the same species of trees.
After flare opening stage apeak distribution of dry weight root in soil was Negative Index curve.
The effect of different substrate on diameter of stem, width of seedling, dry weight of stem, dry weight of root and volume of root is significant at 1% and 5% level.
不同配比的基质分别在5 %和1%水平上不同程度地影响着番茄幼苗的开展度、茎粗、茎干重、根干重和根体积等幼苗生长指标。
The relative genetic progress of fruit flesh thickness, fruit dry weight and fruit fresh weight was higher, which could be improved efficiently by fewer generation selections.
The differences of dry weight, lipid and protein accumulation process in peanut kernel among cultivars appeared mainly in rapid increase stage.
At different seeding time, the variety YD22's dry weight accumulation is more than SC704. This suggests that YD22 has bigger production potentiality.
Aqueous extract of the leaves reduced the chlorophyll of peanut leaves, net photosynthesis rate and dry weight by 31.95%, 32.65% and 37.93%, respectively.
But the increasing of seedling dry weight did not be affected under the same concentration.
The yield of petroleum ether extractives from the crowns of C. lanceolata was 5 4% of its dry weight.
The thickness and dry weight of the leaves increase.
Leaf transpiration rate, above ground dry weight and water use efficiency were all decreased under the conditions of low water level.