The technology of dry gas cleaning with filter bag is widely used for cleaning system of small and medium BFs, which is continuously modified and renewed in practice.
People start having to contend with things to prepare for work on Sunday: ironing their shirts, getting their dry cleaning, putting gas in their cars.
It introduces the problems existing in gas dry cleaning from MnSi production as well as its measures.
The fume gas cleaning process, especially the semi-industrial dry process and semi-dry process, and their applying future were discussed in the paper.
A few gas cleaning techniques are being analyzed, with the introduction of a wetted circulating ash semi-dry method MHGT which has been developed here on our own, based on some licensed technology.
Some new kinds of dry cleaning methods such as supercritical fluid cleaning, high pressure gas and gel cleaning, laser cleaning, gas-chemically and Photo-chemically enhanced cleaning are described.
Some new kinds of dry cleaning methods such as supercritical fluid cleaning, high pressure gas and gel cleaning, laser cleaning, gas-chemically and Photo-chemically enhanced cleaning are described.