Hailun County is located in the high cold dryland farming area.
Dry farming; dryland farming: a system of producing crops in arid and semiarid regions without the use of irrigation.
One day, there will be new fuels, improvements in dryland farming and increases in the efficiency with which water is used.
The plastic mulching irrigation is an important technique in dryland farming, which can increase temperature and conserve soil moisture.
As aquifers are depleted and irrigation Wells go dry, farmers either revert to low-yield dryland farming or, in the more arid regions, abandon farming altogether.
Dry farming; dryland farming a system of producing crops in arid and semiarid regions without the use of irrigation. Frequently alternate years of fallow and cropping are practiced.
The new bread-making, noodle-making winter wheat line, Dingjian 6 is introduced by Dingxi Dryland Farming Research and Extension Center from Ukraine in 2000, and is selected from 2001 to 2005.
Based on the data of a long term field experiment of dryland crops, this article points out that yield fluctuation, expressed in fluctuating coefficient, is a regular phenomenon in dryland farming.
Based on the data of a long term field experiment of dryland crops, this article points out that yield fluctuation, expressed in fluctuating coefficient, is a regular phenomenon in dryland farming.