The cord fairy could, alternately, wave a wand and forever free my laptop, printer, lamp, router, and DSL modem from all wires.
For example, consider a typical home network with four computers connected to a wireless access point (WAP) or router with an outbound connection through a cable or DSL modem.
Around 25 percent of the world's computer users now have at least a cable modem or DSL connection; of course, this implies that speed is no longer an issue.
现在,世界上大约 25%的计算机用户至少有一条光纤调制解调器或者DSL连接,当然,这意味着速度不再是问题。
Even putting aside the reality that we live in a DSL, cable modem, T1, even T3 world, this argument is silly (and that's being kind).
For cable modem and DSL installations, it's the battle in the streets: roads need to be dug up, permits pulled and off-duty police hired.
If you want fast access from home, your only hopes are cable-modem and DSL services. Or are they?
In the markets described above, traditional DSL or cable-modem based internet adoption is relatively flat and growth is linear. However, the mobile adoption is exponential year after year.
However, the maximum bandwidth available to DSL users is usually lower than the maximum cable modem rate because of differences in their respective network technologies.
DSL and cable modem connections have become more popular.
This article explains two remote management methods of the MODEM in the DSL, and compares the advantage and the disadvantage from several aspects.
This article explains two remote management methods of the MODEM in the DSL, and compares the advantage and the disadvantage from several aspects.