Commonly in additional to simplex method and dual simplex method, another original dual method can solve the liner programming.
Compared with the dual simplex method, the amount of the storage and calculations of the improved algorithm is largely reduced.
Based on the principle of the dual simplex method about linear programming, the changes of the value of the objective function in iterations have been studied.
The transportation models and its characters, the Transportation Simplex Method, Further discussions about the transportation models, analysis on the dual transportation problems.
The infrastructure and dual properties of the so-called minimum cost problem are specifically studied to outline a network simplex method for solving this problem.
This paper tries to find the solution of a simplex-method recurrence by means of dual program, which can reduce the repetitions of simplex-method and simplify the calculations as well.
This paper tries to find the solution of a simplex-method recurrence by means of dual program, which can reduce the repetitions of simplex-method and simplify the calculations as well.