Ductile damage mechanics model and rigid finite element method was adopted to simulate the sheet metal shearing process.
Finally, the ductile damage and failure behaviors of aluminum alloys LY12-CZ thin-slabs were investigated both analytically and experimentally.
文中还就LY 12 -CZ薄板材料的损伤与破坏行为进行了实验测试与分析。
The studying method and the general contents of microvoids growth models for dynamic ductile damage of metals are introduced and the newest models are evaluated.
The damage occurred primarily at welded beam-to-column connections, which had been designed to act in a ductile manner and to be capable of withstanding repeated cycles of large inelastic deformation.
Plastic damage of ductile metals under complex stress depends on loading path.
According to principle of damage mechanics, the evolutional law of damage in pearlite ductile cast iron has been studied under fatigue and tension loading.
By using measurement of mechanical parameters and microscopic observation, the effect of initial damage on the ductile fracture initiation toughness of steel was investigated experimentally.
According to the principle of damage mechanics, the evolutional law of fatigue damage of pearlite ductile cast iron was studied with double arms electrical bridge for measuring electrical resistivity.
The results showed that with increasing the amount of the initial void damage, the ductile fracture initiation toughness of steel decreases.
Proved by the test data, the precision of constitutive model with brittle, ductile failure is higher, which can provide accurately the basis for rock damage assessment.
The effects of strength mis-matching and specimen geometry on the resistance behavior to ductile crack growth for welded joint were conducted by 3-D FE analysis considering the micro-plastic damage.
Due to the addition of rubber granules, the deformation of concrete will be larger in damage, and the damage form will be changed from brittle fracture to ductile fracture.
The results show that the fatigue damage variable of pearlite ductile cast iron as a function of fatigue cycle varies according to the index law.
The threshold value of damage and maximum strain are adopted as failure criterion to reflect fatigue failure and ductile failure respectively.
It is shown that the proposed ductile fracture model can accurately and effectively predict the whole damage process of ductile metals including crack initiation, propagation and final fracture.
It is shown that the proposed ductile fracture model can accurately and effectively predict the whole damage process of ductile metals including crack initiation, propagation and final fracture.