Ductile failure more heroes will have force.
The fracture features are reminiscent of locally ductile failure.
The impact fracture section of modified unsaturated polyester showed ductile failure.
The threshold value of damage and maximum strain are adopted as failure criterion to reflect fatigue failure and ductile failure respectively.
The finite element method, considering soil ductile failure, calculated raft not limited in the thickness of the bearing layer under the bearing capacity.
Proved by the test data, the precision of constitutive model with brittle, ductile failure is higher, which can provide accurately the basis for rock damage assessment.
And the curves show that most models present ductile failure, and the connection strength and stiffness increase with the thickness of the plates and the diameter of the connection.
RCR specimen maintained their integrity and exhibited a ductile failure under compression indicating that the toughness of concrete was improved by the incorporation of waste tire rubber.
With the decreasing of heterogeneity , the main failure process presents brittle behavior , and vice versa , with the increasing of heterogeneity , failure process presents ductile behavior.
According to capacity design philosophy, brittle shear failure inside ductile members must be inhibited, to insure adequate rotation capacity of the plastic hinge.
This paper examines the failure modes of ductile metal plates subjected to impact by rigid flat-ended projectiles at normal incidence.
The failure form of target is mainly ductile expanding.
Finally, the ductile damage and failure behaviors of aluminum alloys LY12-CZ thin-slabs were investigated both analytically and experimentally.
文中还就LY 12 -CZ薄板材料的损伤与破坏行为进行了实验测试与分析。
Combining with the cohesive crack model, the behavior of structure in the range from ductile to brittle instability and the factors influencing the brittle failure are studied.
The strain criterion for ductile shear failure based on the maximum principal shear strain is established.
Qualitative explanations for different compressional kink are band failure modes associated with brittle and ductile fibre reinforcements are given by means of the present theory.
The premature failure modes of firebrick forming dies made of steel 10 and its failure reason are analyzed. The possibility of using rare earth Mg ductile iron to replace steel 10 was expounded.
Different ductile behaviors and failure modes of four connections are investigated, and the critical issues that affect the failure modes of the connections are tested.
The mode of fracture changed from ductile to fragile for the BMG composites, but the compressive failure strength increased.
The mode of fracture changed from ductile to fragile for the BMG composites, but the compressive failure strength increased.