In the RUP we organize work during the Construction phase by requirements, not by technical issues.
An important RUP concept is that you should deliver working software, incrementally, on a priority basis, during each Elaboration and Construction phase iteration.
We planned three iterations for our product during the Construction phase; the team defined a feature subset for each iteration.
For example, during the RUP Construction phase, a developer might determine that the product cannot be accessed by a persona using a screen reader.
Note the manner in which the individual projects interact with the service portfolio by drawing from it during the Elaboration phase and then contributing to it during the Construction phase.
In this article, I describe what occurs during the Inception phase of a DW project, and in Part 2, I describe the Elaboration, Construction, and Transition phases.
For example, developers often add fields to cache computations, or add fields necessary only during the construction phase, that are not needed during the usually longer use phase of the application.
The Lifecycle architecture milestone establishes a managed baseline for the architecture of the system and enables the project team to scale during the Construction phase.
It is this skeleton upon which we will build the flesh of the system during the Construction phase.
During the Construction phase we develop the data warehouse in an evolutionary manner, putting the "flesh" onto the architectural skeleton which we developed during the Elaboration phase.
For example, during the Construction phase iterations, our test manager was located at the client site, where clients submitted defects via ClearQuest.
This stage aligns with the RUP Construction phase, during which the primary focus is execution risk.
During the construction phase, all the components in the scope of the project are reverse-engineered.
Notice how the specification is fairly slim, covering the critical issues without going into details — you can get the details on a JIT basis during the Construction phase.
There are several common mistakes which we want to avoid during the Construction phase of a DW project.
During the construction phase, demonstrations had these goals.
Let's say that, during the Construction phase of development, you expect to run two test cycles that consist of mostly functional testing.
But now, there are still many problems in the cost control during the construction phase for Chinese construction enterprises.
During the construction phase, it is given big thought to prioritize to work with local manufacturers, builders, and workers to minimize the waste, maximize efficiency and construction duration.
It is customary to write full text use cases during the construction phase and each one becomes the start of a new iteration.
During the course of construction phase, certain hazards are inevitable.
Attend the installation and commission of instrument during the capital construction and production preparation phase to ensure smooth start-up of plant.
This paper describes the alignment alteration of Lianjiang tunnel with continous arches in the planning phase and the solution modification during construction.
The article probes on what is a digital library, analyzes the major problems in digital library construction during the current phase and formulates corresponding measures.
The goal is to reduce 10 percent of the overall carbon offset during its construction phase.
During the construction phase, firstly, establishing a suitable risk assessment index system.
During the construction phase, the scaffold project is a building or structure must occur during the construction of auxiliary project, that is commonly used in engineering scaffold type a lot.
After a busy construction period, in order to ensure normal work of the next phase, ship should be repaired during the annual flood period.
As early as 2002, during the designing phase, we had a lot of discussions with the design and construction teams on how to capitalize on the post-games venue.
As early as 2002, during the designing phase, we had a lot of discussions with the design and construction teams on how to capitalize on the post-games venue.