The static, dynamic adsorption and desorption activities of direct fast black on an anion exchanger fiber 3-Ureido-2-Hydroxypropyl cellulose were studied.
The results showed XDA-1 resin was preferable for separating licorice flavonoids with the dynamic adsorption and desorption ratio being 92.18% and 83.73%, respectively.
Performances in adsorbing and desorbing of 8 types of macroporous resin were. The optimum macroporous resin was determined and its dynamic adsorption and desorption were also investigated.
The effects of fluid velocity, temperature, etc. on adsorption dynamic and desorption processes were investigated. And the stability of the adsorbent was also observed.
The process of static adsorption, desorption, dynamic adsorption and adsorption kinetics of baicalin on macroporous adsorption resin immobilized tannins by Mannich reaction were investigated.
研究了通过曼尼西反应合成的单宁大孔吸附树脂对黄芩苷的静态吸附、脱附、动态吸附、 吸附动力学过程。
In dynamic experiments, the effects of rhenium concentration and flow speed of the solution on adsorption, and flow speed of eluent on desorption are examined.
In dynamic experiments, the effects of rhenium concentration and flow speed of the solution on adsorption, and flow speed of eluent on desorption are examined.