It is an important factor which effects the practicability of MIS whether we can realize the dynamic compound query in the MIS developing process.
Based on characteristics of visualization of program design, visualization software development environment (VSDE) is put forward, which provides dynamic views during the process of developing.
It describes the process to design with component and design patterns to build frames. Using this method, it achieves dynamic function in developing level and application level.
The uniform analysis technique of steady and dynamic data has been realized to ensure the analysis to wide area, long process and developing faults.
During the process of developing the system, many key technical problems such as how to get data from CAD drawings, dynamic links to database and how to deal with chart data have been well resolved.
Its study experienced a developing process form a static self to a dynamic self and a single-faceted structure to a multi-faceted structure.
The vibration acceleration and the dynamic pore-pressure developing properties in the process of shaking and jetting reinforcement are analyzed.
Management of developing cost in project of real estate needs to make management of objective cost in dynamic states and to implement cod coned in process.
Management of developing cost in project of real estate needs to make management of objective cost in dynamic states and to implement cod coned in process.