Based on the sliding mode control technique, the controller can drive the system into a pre-specified sliding hyperplane to obtain the desired dynamic performance.
Dynamic Traction Control (DTC) allows you to drive at the limits without fear of exceeding them.
This robot consists of dynamic system, mechanical system and control system. The control system mainly includes PIC single chip, motor drive circuit and sensor module.
Simulation results show that the EKF can give the accurate estimation of rotor speed and flux in all drive range, and the proposed control scheme processes the perfect dynamic and static performance.
Application shows that this drive control system has higher dynamic performance and is capable of close-loop control and communication and ease of network configuration and maintenance.
Studying the multi-drive belt conveyor system, dynamic analysis algorithms of the control starting and the stopping process has established adopting the following up control method.
The whole of this robot included dynamic system, mechanical system and control system. This control system mainly included PIC single chip, motor drive circuit, and sensor module.
The dynamic stepping motion of a hydraulic cylinder for the control rod hydraulic drive mechanism (CRHDM) was tested experimentally.
The new three-phase drive control strategy SITRAC combines dynamic torque control, robustness and optimized modulation withselfadjustment and allows speed sensorless operation.
Some energy optimized control strategies based on static model, such as Constant Slip control, may significantly harm the dynamic character and stability of drive systems.
Some energy optimized control strategies based on static model, such as Constant Slip control, may significantly harm the dynamic character and stability of drive systems.