Sometimes dynamic HTML pages need to be fetched from the server whenever they are displayed - even when the back button is used. For example, pages showing the state of a bank account or online order.
If you took interest in PHP to make your HTML pages more dynamic, this bit is for you.
Anyway, as I said, it's not easy to build Windows for Dynamic HTML (DHTML) pages.
不管怎样,为动态html (DHTML)页面构建窗口并不容易。
The header and left navigation menu are static pages, and the body content will either be a JSP page or an HTML page, depending on whether the content is dynamic or static.
Even though you cannot use the Dynamic page template for HTML pages, both kinds of templates can coexist in one project.
Convert each link in each HTML page in this manner, and your application navigation will start to work between the Tapestry and dynamic pages, rather than your static HTML templates.
It works harmoniously with HTML, and PHP code is frequently embedded within standard HTML Web pages to facilitate dynamic content.
Instead, you can simply create rich HTML (or XHTML) and CSS pages, add in a few Tapestry-specific attributes, and have a very dynamic application.
Any static HTML files that happen to live in the base directory are delivered by the server, much as with other servers. In addition, you may also serve dynamic pages that have the extension.rpy.
This works fine with static HTML pages, but when dealing with dynamic pages, things become a little more complicated.
It features indexing of both static and dynamic pages, spidering of almost all links in HTML content, in hrefs, areamaps, and frames, and full text indexing.
CaGrid small application allows you to the static HTML pages dynamic display tabular data.
CaGrid small application allows you to the static HTML pages dynamic display tabular data.