The thought of this paper is to discuss on and analysis to dynamic response of HSMS under impact load, and estimate its mean life based on noted stress fatigue design method.
We study stress intensity factor of thick wall cylinder with cracks under dynamic load.
The optimization constraints can be stress, stiffness, displacement, frequency or buckling load and dynamic response.
Rock vibration or explosion load lead to the instantaneous load, under these circumstances, stress is at dynamic or quasi-static.
According to dynamic stress and load, the stress spectrum and load spectrum which are universal were got.
This paper primarily represents the study and discussion about computing methods and modeling of load share of contact stress and bending stress of static mesh and dynamic mesh of DCAHG.
This paper discusses the stress conditions of the overconsolidation cohesive soils cut out of the railway under the load of a moving train simulated through applied dynamic triaxial apparatus.
本文利用动力三轴仪模拟列车荷载作用下铁路路堑中超固结粘性土的受力情况。 研究了在列车荷载作用下该土的动应力与动应变的关系及轴向永久变形的若干规律。
Masonry under the action of dynamic load elastic modulus and the complex stress state under the elastic modulus value remains to be further studied.
The barrel shape structure work like an overhanging beam and when subjected to earthquake load, its dynamic stress of outer frame is greater than that of inner tube.
The effect of the first normal stress difference increases the load capacity obviously under the condition of the dynamic load, and it also affects the locus of shaft center.
To improve this I made a modification from two sides: to increase the fatigue limitation of shaft and to decrease dynamic-load stress.
The thesis come from the analysis of stationary type tri-oil wedge dynamic-pressure sliding bearing dynamic working condition, analyse its elements and stress in variable-load operating mode.
Finally, the influence induced by variation of dynamic coefficient of permeability on soil displacement and stress under harmonic vibration load is investigated.
Once the modal parameters are identified, the strain response under any dynamic load can be estimated and the associated stress response can be determined as well.
Once the modal parameters are identified, the strain response under any dynamic load can be estimated and the associated stress response can be determined as well.