The series spectrum analyzer in measuring speed, dynamic range, accuracy and resolution power, have established performance standards for similar priced products.
The experimental results indicate that this measuring system is both simple in structure and convenient for the measurement of dynamic path accuracy of industrial robots.
Measuring apparatus can use general digital voltmeter with appropriate accuracy, but generating standard dynamic strain signal is a problem which hasn't been well solved.
The paper introduces a new method-QL system suggested for the first time by the author for measuring dynamic accuracy of gear cutting machine drivetrain.
It can be used for measuring dynamic balance and spindle rotating accuracy of machine tools, and cylindricity of workpieces.
This paper points out that the existence of the dynamic properties of measuring devices will interference system identification accuracy to a certain degree.
On the basis, the method of measuring dynamic indexing accuracy is studied by taking the high speed indexing transmission mechanism as an example.
This paper deals with the establishment of a testing system for dynamic indexing accuracy by using a circular raster sensor and direct measuring method.
Measuring the dynamic strain involves the constant modification of gain, as determined by the signal amplitude. This practice suffers from the complex test and the low accuracy.
The static calibration and dynamic contrast test are performed, which demonstrate high measuring accuracy and stability of the novel meter.
This idea will be sure to improve the accuracy restorability and optimize the composition and matching of the dynamic measuring system.
It shows that both accuracy and resolution are high. So it is a good method of measuring dynamic properties of non-conductive material.
Comparison between the calculation results and that of actual tests shows that the balancing time of the lever system has art extreme effect on the measuring accuracy of the dynamic...
Comparison between the calculation results and that of actual tests shows that the balancing time of the lever system has art extreme effect on the measuring accuracy of the dynamic mecha...
Comparison between the calculation results and that of actual tests shows that the balancing time of the lever system has art extreme effect on the measuring accuracy of the dynamic mecha...