Specific Process Services supporting a user interface are unlikely to be able to be generalized to a B2B channel where the dynamics of the interactions are fundamentally different.
By recognition of work condition, off-line identification and on-line optimization of parameters, hybrid model can be used to simulate dynamics of complex process correctly in a large scale.
The dynamics of drying process is investigated by step change response in a open-loop.
The change of groundwater level dynamics is a complicate hydrological process. It is important to predict exactly the change of groundwater level in exploiting water resources.
The study of disengagement process of self-synchronizing clutches is a theme raised during the dynamics research of power plants.
Crystallization dynamics is the key process in a crystallization control process, it is relatively complex because of different research systems and crystallization condition varies.
And building the inverse kinetic process model of thermodynamic system is a key problem for thermodynamic system inverse dynamics research and application.
A numerical method is used to simulate the forking process of a new chaotic system which is simple in topology structure but complicated in dynamics behavior.
The working process of mechanism is a stochastic process. In order to research this process, in recent years some people advanced statistical dynamics.
In molecular dynamics simulation, a quite simplified model was used, but the simulation for the process of interface fracture also helps to acquire some rules about bi-material interface fracture.
Known from the theory of chaos, multi-fractal of stochastic process is a key characteristic of its dynamics, of which entropy rate is a special fractal dimension named information dimension.
The discrete model of the thermal dynamics process of precision machine was used to establish a new method called singular value decomposition algorithm for identifying these characteristics.
A new model such as the causal evolution model of spin networks is needed to describe a dynamics process of loop quantum gravity.
A mathematical model, which has the form of reaction-diffusion equations and is describing the dynamics of self-organization process, is established from the main reactions.
In the process of dynamics calculation, direct numerical integration on a mesh can be used.
To calculate the accelerator dynamics process to contain the buncher (pulse beam current) system is a new characteristic of LEADS program.
In this paper, it is stated that grinding process is a dynamic one. Then the parameters of grinding dynamics equation will change.
A mathematical model for the initial blank cartridge driving process of the gatling gun is presented based on the gas dynamics and the mechanical dynamics.
To supply hydrodynamic parameters for ship launching, computational fluid dynamics(CFD) method was used to analyze the process of longitudinal gravity launching for ship from a slipway.
The Numerical simulations of the kinematic characteristics of the abrasive fluid in the process of planetary finishing have been completed by using a model of two-phase fluid dynamics.
Computer fluid dynamics (CFD) is adopted to simulate the flow fields of a catalytic converter while researching the working process of an emission postprocessor.
The result also show that evolvement process of the phaseregion size has the self-similarity and the fractal dimension can be a good means to study the evolution law of phase dispersion dynamics.
A definition of data updating of forest resource management information system is given after describing a general process of forest dynamics.
Only a few studies were carried out on the numerical simulation of mixing process by using computational fluid dynamics (CFD).
Chaos is a deterministic nonlinear structure, which is not a stochastic process, but sensitive dependence on initial conditions. Studies in numerous fields have shown the existence of chaos dynamics.
From the transfer dynamics in perpendicular gas-liquid phase flow point of view, this paper put forward a calculating method of air volume in deep-well process design.
This paper designed and finished a serial of small scale scouring experiments to study the dynamics in this process.
What passes for the understanding of dynamics abroad amounts only to reading the literature, and a superficial, unsystematic process of study.
Abstract: biomass is an important parameter reflecting the fermentation dynamics. Real-time monitoring of biomass can be used to control and optimize a fermentation process.
Abstract: biomass is an important parameter reflecting the fermentation dynamics. Real-time monitoring of biomass can be used to control and optimize a fermentation process.