The next frequent way of organizing after plain text, is to stuff everything into one monolithic application - an e-mail client, or an outliner, or whatever.
在纯文本之后,一个组织数据的通用方法就是将你所有的数据输入到一个整合好的软件 -- 一个电子邮件客户端,或者一个框架,再或者其它什么。
The Evolution mail client provides the same functions as Microsoft Outlook, including multiple E-mail accounts, contacts, calendars, tasks, and memos integrated into a single application.
This demo app is a simple mail client, utilizing jQuery to give users the feeling of working with an E-mail client that is actually a desktop application.
Whether you use a client application such as Microsoft Outlook, or a Web-based E-mail system like Google Gmail, you should minimize or close the E-mail window when you are not actively using it.
What if after creating the CD you want to add another application, say Evolution E-mail client, into this custom CD?
如果创建CD后,想要将另一个应用程序(如evolutione - mail client)添加到定制CD中可以么?
The user can search local hard drives, Web sites, e-mail, and other sources without having to minimize the current document or open a browser, e-mail client, or other application.
The user can search local hard drives, Web sites, e-mail, and other sources without having to minimize the current document or open a browser, e-mail client, or other application.