The cytolysin gene from V. vulnificus successfully express in the E. coli system.
For example, if a stereotype S is applied to the element E, the system will display E in Project Explorer and on diagrams for that element.
举个例子,如果一个原型S被应用到元素E,系统将会显示 E在项目浏览器中 ,并且在图表里显示元素。
USENIX Security Symposium in Montreal an e-communications system that destroys messages soon after they have been sent.
As mentioned, the vulnerability of a system exists at the entry and exit points within the system. Figure 3 shows an e-Commerce system with several points that the attacker can target.
Of course, the devil is in the details here. Maintaining the authenticity of tweets when they’re connected to an e-commerce system could be delicate.
当然,魔鬼存在与细节.当Twiter连接到一个电子商务系统时,如何判断tweets的权威性,是twitter的一个弱点.但是,就像Twitter一再重申的那样:如果他们打算做广告,那他们希望广告是有吸引力的.上个月, Biz Stone说道:利用有意义并且相关的方式,便捷的将商务信息和个人联系起来是Twitter必须做到的.
In some situations, you can even use it as an automatic process that just becomes part of the E-mail system.
Ultimately, you want to make sure that your e-mail system and the spam filtering solution have the right information and the right quality of information to enable them to filter the spam effectively.
In the case of an e-commerce system, the primary node could be either an order or a customer.
This is because the business relationship precludes the e-business system.
The sample hybrid application will be an asynchronous E-mail notification system.
WIRED The best e-reading system on the market.
Six years ago they began to develop the technology for their E-Table system that allows customers to order food, drinks and the bill from a virtual menu projected on to the table.
Otherwise, you can require the user to answer a challenge question before the system will E-mail his password.
Gmail, its hugely successful E-mail system, was released to the world in beta (ie, testing) mode and stayed that way for years.
Tie such a system to E-mail and pagers to alert staff to an emergent problem before crisis strikes.
Setting up an enterprise e-business system is an engineering project.
The 21st century is the century of network, e-commerce will subsequently become the mainstream business model and multi-merchant network shop is a C2C e-commerce system.
Professors might not be using the cruddy university E-mail system.
Enter your personal profile in the online e-recruitment system to apply for a listed position.
Users of this E-mail system will first be prompted with a language-selection screen that determines their desired locale for the current session.
The Pentagon says only an "unclassified" E-mail system was breached, and has not identified the suspects.
Someone had changed the password and locked him out of his own E-mail system.
Oversight. Occurring primarily at the system level and often stemming from ignorance of potential risks, oversight occurs when an E-mail system has been incorrectly config - ured or poorly maintained.
Unless you have a very primitive E-mail system, it probably has some system (usually called "folders") that can be used to permanently store messages for recall at any time in the future.
Also, a set of the configuration services has been added for configuring the E-mail services and system logging.
He couldn't get in. Someone had changed the password and locked him out of his own E-mail system.
He couldn't get in. Someone had changed the password and locked him out of his own E-mail system.