This image size contains over a million pixels that can each be altered in this way.
该图片大小包含 100 万像素,每个像素都可以使用这种方法改变。
Using computer software, DeYoung said researchers "stretched or squished" individual brain scans to match them with the reference image, and then noted the size of the different regions of each brain.
Even if the file size of each X-ray image is very large, that is not a problem for a cloud computing provider.
The real image size is 112x92, the corresponding column vector face database matrix accumulation of each column.
If there was more than one speaker, the center of focus would automatically divide itself, and each image would shrink in size as additional people spoke up.
If there was more than one speaker, the center of focus would automatically divide itself, and each image would shrink in size as additional people spoke up.