Tom, who'd been an Eagle Scout, knew it was best to stay put and wait for rescuers.
For example, you are responsible (not an "Eagle Scout") or committed (not "played basketball").
Nick, now 16, managed every aspect of the renovation and completed it in six months, ahead of schedule and under budget, for his Eagle Scout project.
The son of a Wichita, Kansas, auto parts dealer, he was an Eagle Scout who dreamed of becoming a doctor—dissecting rats and cats in his parents' basement to get ready.
The son of a Wichita, Kansas, auto parts dealer , he was an Eagle Scout who dreamed of becoming a doctor—dissecting rats and cats in his parents' basement to get ready.
The son of a Wichita, Kansas, auto parts dealer , he was an Eagle Scout who dreamed of becoming a doctor—dissecting rats and cats in his parents' basement to get ready.