The peak flow rate ratio(E/A)in early and late of diastolic phase and the flow rate deceleration in early diastolic phase(EDC)also showed significant differences.
The legendary Yellow Emperor, Yao, Shun is the representative of the late stage that has been transferred to patrilineal tribes and tribal alliance early national phase.
This mechanism of action has been shown to delay progression of the cell cycle through the late s and early G2 phase (4, 5).
The buildings was first built in early phase of the fourth period of Yin Ruins culture and they were destroyed in late phase i. e. Emperor Zhou Wu conquered Shang dynasty.
During procreative phase, higher temperature in greenhouse accelerated lignifications. Feeding quality in early and late maturity lines in greenhouse was lower than in field.
In phase two, children should arrive at the TFP early in the morning and return home in the late afternoon.
在第二阶段,孩子们应早上很早到TF P治疗中心,然后傍晚才返回。
The prereplication complex (Pre-RC) forms in late mitosis/early G1 phase beginning with the binding of CDT1 and cdc6 to the origin, which allows binding of the heterohexameric MCM2-7 complex.
The pre-replication complex (Pre-RC) forms in late mitosis/early G1 phase beginning with the binding of CDT1 and cdc6 to the origin, which allows binding of the heterohexameric MCM2-7 complex.
The pre-replication complex (Pre-RC) forms in late mitosis/early G1 phase beginning with the binding of CDT1 and cdc6 to the origin, which allows binding of the heterohexameric MCM2-7 complex.