Refer to 7790-J for seperrated fixed earthing conductor size .
接地导体部件安装尺寸参考图 7790-J。
NOTE This provision includes a protective earthing conductor in the supply cord.
NOTE 2 The earthing conductor in a supply cord is not considered to be an equipotential bonding conductor.
This paper analyses the principle and functions of protective earthing and hanging earthing conductor, and analyses the existing problems in practice.
This paper analyses the principle and functions of protective earthing and hanging earthing conductor , and analyses the existing problems in practice.
Earthing can be divided into two forms: connecting earth and connecting conductor substituted for earth.
The results shows severe field distortion at conductor and earthing top of insulator which stress is in more than 10 times higher than at central part due to effect of distributed capacitance of H.
Down -conductor system connection should be welded, and the conclusion of common earthing system and adoption single earthing has been drawn.
Down -conductor system connection should be welded, and the conclusion of common earthing system and adoption single earthing has been drawn.