But performance across regions varies quite distinctly - East Asia and South Asia have benefited the most, Africa by less.
The east Asia Summit was the last in a series of meetings held over the weekend that provide an annual opportunity for Japan, China and India to compete for influence in south-east Asia.
Growth in east Asia was 10%, in South Asia over 8%, in eastern Europe almost 7% and in Africa, thanks to the boom, over 6%.
Answer: east Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia, Central Asia and West Asia.
Pakistan is located in South Asia that overlaps onto the Greater Middle East and Central Asia.
South Asia and East Asia fared better than expected, while remittances to Latin America and the Caribbean and the Middle East and North Africa were weaker.
In East Asia HIV incidence has declined by nearly 25% and in South and South East Asia by 10% in the same time period.
The H5N1 virus was first detected in birds in South-East Asia and this year was reported in Europe, the Middle East, South Asia and Africa.
Regions that saw the largest declines in trade barriers, including East Asia, South Asia, and Latin America also saw the largest acceleration in exports.
Star fruit or carambola is a fruit tree native to the Philippines, but can be found throughout Southeast Asia, East Asia, South America, Florida and Hawaii.
Most job creation in 2008 came from south Asia, south-east Asia and east Asia, while developed economies and the European Union had a net loss of about 900,000 jobs.
The picture shows the geographical position of 40 ries in east Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia and West Asia.
However, Asia is also a vast land, encompassing east, Southeast, South, and West Asia, each region significantly different from its neighbors.
Singapore, lying in south-east Asia, is a city-island-state and a third-smallest country in Asia. It consists of Singapore island (of 91.6% of total area) and several smaller offshore islets.
In this paper, the characteristics, the variation and cause of East Asia Monsoon are discussed. The difference between East Asia Monsoon and South Asia Monsoon is demonstrated.
Star fruit or carambola is a fruit tree native to the Philippines, but can be found throughout Southeast Asia, East Asia, South America, Florida and Hawaii.
Growth in east Asia was 10%, in South Asia over 8%, in eastern Europe almost 7% and in Africa, thanks to the commodity boom, over 6%.
South-East Asia could become both "the Mediterranean and the Caribbean of Asia", enthuses YTL's Mr Yeoh.
Therefore, South-East Asia, including China's southwest and Sontheast Asia, there may be a cradle of human origin.
The "Asia" in this volume mainly refers to South Asia, East Asia, and Southeast Asia.
Average incomes per head in east Asia, south Asia and central and eastern Europe would converge on those in high-income countries (at purchasing power parity).
We also have business in Central Asia, Southeast Asia, Africa, South Africa and Middle east.
The staple market includes: Europe, Middle East, Central Asia, Southeast Asia, US, South Korea, Russia and so on other countries and area.
The staple market includes: Europe, Middle East, Central Asia, Southeast Asia, US, South Korea, Russia and so on other countries and area.