He points to the brightest stars and describes how to use them to navigate to the Bilma oasis in the eastern desert.
For the past 27 years, the venerable white-bearded monk has lived at St. Anthony's Monastery, an outpost in Egypt's Eastern Desert.
A man takes a picture of a controversial piece of art showing a mocked-up photo of Tony Blair at an explosion in a Middle Eastern desert.
He points to the brightest stars and describes how to use them to navigate to the Bilma oasis in the eastern desert, where they would trade Onions and garlic for salt.
Only a thin layer of dust travels over land outside of the eastern edge of the desert, indicating that the dust may be lying low over the arid land, rather than rising high in the atmosphere.
At dawn, three weeks before the winter solstice, the last tendrils of fog curled gray against the pinking sky over a sand dune on the eastern edge of the Namib Desert.
The eastern half consists mostly of uninhabited desert basins with the occasional salt lake.
The Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System, the world's largest, is located under the eastern part of the Sahara desert and spans the political boundaries of Libya, Chad, Sudan and Egypt.
Mighty mine: This 50-acre mine on the eastern edge of California's Mojave Desert was once the world's leading supplier of rare-earth metals.
The Dutch consortium behind the Lake Turkana Wind Power (LTWP) project has leased 66, 000 hectares of land on the eastern edge of the world's largest permanent desert lake.
Watson is a red desert moonscape on the Nullarbor Plain at the eastern end of the world's longest stretch of straight rail track, 478km (297 miles).
沃森火车站是纳勒博平原上一个荒凉的红色沙漠景点,位于世界上最长的直线铁路(478 km或297英里)东线的末端。
The recent and scientifically controversial announcement of arsenic-eating microbes in the eastern California desert has ratcheted up the expectation of finding life among the stars.
Qaidam basin, located in the provincial Northwest, most of the Gobi Desert and over the eastern marshes, Salt Lake, the terrain is typical of the highest plateau inland basins.
A desert of eastern Egypt between the Nile Valley and the Red Sea. Porphyry, granite, and sandstone found here have been used as building materials since ancient times.
SHANGHAI — Across Eastern Europe, Russia, Kazakhstan and the Gobi Desert— it certainly was a long way to go without getting lost.
A river of eastern Ethiopia flowing about 805 km (500 mi) northeast to the Danakil Desert.
A river of eastern Ethiopia flowing about 805 km (500 mi) northeast to the Danakil Desert.
A river of eastern Ethiopia flowing about 805 km (500 mi) northeast to the Danakil Desert.