Eating at a restaurant is also different.
Luckily, eating at a restaurant in China is quite cheap!
You're eating at a restaurant when you abruptly realize that everyone's gone!
Finally one day, while eating at a restaurant, Bill lost control of himself and shot someone for no reason at all.
People that are family oriented tend to want or already have children, are very close to their immediate relatives, and prefer cooking at home to eating at a restaurant.
The software testers, who are in their 20s and 30s, are trained to work together and they take part in organized outings: miniature golf, bowling, eating at a restaurant.
更为重要的是,该公司也为提高雇员们的社交能力而努力。 让这些个20、30多岁的年青人(软件测试员们),一起工作、社团开展体育运动角逐:迷你高尔夫,保龄球,一起去餐馆吃饭。
One evening, on a school night, when my daughter Mulan was nine, we were eating dinner together at our favourite Thai restaurant.
For exam- ple, the “slowfood” movement, which encourages the longer, savory experience of eating agradually cooked meal at a restaurant, has emerged as the antithesis tofast food.
First, they asked half the group to recall a time when they felt supported and cared for; the other half were asked to think about a fun experience, such as eating at a really great restaurant.
Do you stop eating out because you had a bad experience at a restaurant?
This could beas simple as eating at a new restaurant or taking a new route to work.
The three of us were eating a delicious lunch at a nearby restaurant (lamb is the staple here), and when we were finished, Ding made sure to ask for a doggie bag.
Cut down on other meals if you'll be eating out at a restaurant known for its rich sweets.
A woman finished eating at a fancy restaurant. Then explained to the owner that she had left her wallet home and was unable to pay immediately.
If not, waiters will appreciate you tacking on the 10% yourself. However, if you're eating at a downscale restaurant a tip is not necessary.
My inspiration food-wise comes often times just from being at a restaurant, whether I'm eating there or shooting.
Compare it to eating out at a nice restaurant. Watching the waiter as he brings you food and puts it on the table is part of the fine dining experience.
So I like to think college is a lot like eating at a five star restaurant.
For example can't buy things from a market stall, in the absence of hygiene license at a restaurant, can not eat expired, metamorphism, 3 without food, not eating undercooked, and so on.
Stop "Eating" Last Sunday at noon father took me to have lunch in a big restaurant.
Stop "Eating" Last Sunday at noon father took me to have lunch in a big restaurant.