Yeah, I think the echo chamber.
Ok, well, what do have? Maybe... How about the echo chamber?
Waves can bounce back and forth across the central region, becoming successively amplified-a cosmic echo chamber.
But sometimes when a flimsy report, or even a rumor gets on tele-vision, there's going to be terrible "echo chamber" effect.
"What is interesting to me is the role of the blogosphere as being an echo chamber, " says Frank. "It keeps the stuff alive for awhile."
But perhaps the joy that scientists find in arguing with each other can be counted on to keep the enterprise from turning into an echo chamber.
To test for the ringing acoustic signatures of tiny bubbles, physicist Helen Czerski of University of Rhode Island has devised a specially-designed echo chamber about the size of a soccer ball.
To test for the ringing acoustic signatures of tiny bubbles, physicist Helen Czerski of University of Rhode Island has devised a specially-designed echo chamber about the size of a soccer ball.