The platform for developing rich client is known as the Eclipse Rich Client Platform (RCP).
开发富客户端的平台通称Eclipse Rich Client Platform (RCP)。
The Eclipse rich client platform now includes an implementation of OSGi declarative services (DS)
Eclipse富客户端平台现在包含了一个OSGi声明式服务(Declarative Services——DS)的实现
The Eclipse Rich Client platform (RCP) has a lot of advantages, such as rapid development, native look and feel, extensibility, and multiple platform support.
Eclipse Rich Client Platform (RCP)有着许多优势,如开发迅速、自然的感观、可扩展性和多平台支持。
Then, as team members create assets, authorized users can submit them to the project community, either through the Web browser or Eclipse Rich Client Platform.
然后,团队成员创建资产以后,授权的用户可以把他们提交到项目社区中,既可以通过Web浏览器也可以通过Eclipse Rich Client Platform 提交。
Eclipse Rich Client Platform (RCP) applications have been gaining popularity and momentum, and they are being used to build and deploy real enterprise applications.
eclipse富客户端平台(Rich Client Platform,RCP)应用程序的普及性正在与日俱增,它们用于构建和部署真实的企业应用程序。
Specifically, it demonstrates how to easily transform access to portions of a green-screen application using rich client GUI applications that run in an Eclipse rich client Platform (RCP) environment.
Optim Database Administrator is based on open source Eclipse, which provides a platform-independent software framework for delivering rich-client applications.
Eclipse embedded Rich Client Platform applications.
Eclipse embedded Rich Client Platform applications.