There are some strong economic dimensions as well as strong public health concerns, and many competing interests.
When public health policies cross purposes with vested economic interests, we will face opposition, well-orchestrated opposition, and very well-funded opposition.
Different legal branches have different legal interests. The legal interest of economic law focuses on the interest that economic law initially wants to realize, namely the social public interest.
Technological secrets are technological information which is not well known by the public and can bring economic interests to licensee estoppel who takes private measures.
When fulfilling their obligations listed companies shall balance the economic interests and environmental interests between shareholder and public.
Neither party shall use the settlement of electricity charges to disturb the social economic order, and damage the social and public interests.
This paper argues that the antitrust laws immunity in order to protect the interests of its public and implement specific economic industrial policy arises at the historic moment.
Given the particularity of insurance industry, it is essential to develop scale economy, protecting public interests and national economic safety.
Social public economic interests can not be fulfilled which is expressed as positive legal interest.
Social public economic interests can not be fulfilled which is expressed as positive legal interest.