These universities should be generating the widest range of social, economic and environmental benefits.
The comprehensive economic and environmental benefits.
The process has better economic and environmental benefits.
Yet the industry is struggling to turn all these economic and environmental benefits into reliable revenues.
As the separating technology of waste fluid is simple, it has good economic and environmental benefits.
After adopting a series of improvement measures, better economic and environmental benefits have been obtained.
They encompass a wide set of variables to improve knowledge on social, economic and environmental benefits of forests.
We call upon all economies to redouble their efforts in order to realize the economic and environmental benefits.
What we're hoping to do is have a condensed data pool to trace economic and environmental benefits for the families.
One assumption is put forward that emormous economic and environmental benefits will be acquired when lithium salt…
The environmental impact of the economic evaluation can guarantee economic and environmental benefits of social unity.
The recovery of the sulfur hexafluoride gas containing its decomposition gases has both economic and environmental benefits.
This reformation fulfilled the waste heat recovery and utilization. And also create good economic and environmental benefits.
Meanwhile, the large amount of wasted orange peel dregs can be fully utilized to achieve good economic and environmental benefits.
同时,可将大量废弃的柑 橘皮渣加以充分利用,能够取得良好的经济效益和环境效益;
This paper studies the multi-indices comprehensive evaluation method for social, economic and environmental benefits of rural electrification.
Eventually come to the conclusion: in the project on the application of glass beads of energy-saving insulation system has good economic and environmental benefits.
Experimental results show that pure sulfuric acid used in common industrial productions can be reclaimed with this method, and good economic and environmental benefits can be achieved.
New technology and its applications of nonferrous metal smelting wastewater treatment were introduced. The economic and environmental benefits of this new technology were also analyzed.
Nowadays the green marketing has become marketing mainstream so city sightseeing agricultural park needs to implement green marketing strategy to achieve economic and environmental benefits.
Nowadays, the green marketing has become marketing mainstream, so city sightseeing agricultural park needs to implement green marketing strategy to achieve economic and environmental benefits.
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ordered the dam removed after concluding that the environmental and economic benefits of a free-flowing river outweighed the electricity generated by the dam.
Pay Drechsel, an environmental scientist, argues that the social and economic benefits of using untreated human waste to grow food outweigh the health risks.
He said: "The environmental and economic benefits have been overstated."
Although the biodiesel that has made headlines lately is made from a fat (even used cooking oil), not a sugar, both processes have similar environmental and economic benefits, Dumesic says.
How to balance development and protection, together with how to maximize the economic, environmental and social benefits, is the topic that deserves concern in tourism development of wetland parks.
To strengthen the exploitation and utilization of cattail plant resources in environmental protection would create huge market potential and environmental and economic benefits.
CHP has better economic, social and environmental benefits.
At last, it is confirmed that the technologies can not only reduce production costs and create economic benefits but also reduce environment pollution and produce environmental benefits.
At last, it is confirmed that the technologies can not only reduce production costs and create economic benefits but also reduce environment pollution and produce environmental benefits.