Dianchi lake is the mother lake and the main water sources and economic lifeblood for development of Kunming.
Three, the longer it takes to stabilise, the more lasting damage wind- and waterborne radiation may do to the livelihoods of the farmers and fishermen who are the economic lifeblood of the community.
Creating new economic value from unthinkably large amounts of information is its lifeblood.
Water is the source of the life, and the lifeblood of agricultural production and the whole national economic construction too.
Finance is the lifeblood of national economic and has a direct concern in national economic that can or not normally run.
Capital is "lifeblood" of the corporation, whose flow relates to not only all aspects of the operation of the enterprise, but also economic effect and managerial skill of the enterprise.
Energy is the lifeblood of economic development.
The slope safety conditions of Chuanshan Group's dolomite quarry directly affect the economic benefit of the enterprise and the safety of national lifeblood highway project.
The slope safety conditions of Chuanshan Group's dolomite quarry directly affect the economic benefit of the enterprise and the safety of national lifeblood highway project.