Everyone is banking on an economic rebound to help ease the state's fiscal problems.
The report warns the picture on wages is likely to get worse this year despite indications of an economic rebound.
The report warns the picture on wages is likely to get worse this year, despite indications of an economic rebound.
But during a meeting in Malawi they also noted that the economic rebound had improved growth prospects for this year.
The report warns the picture on wages is likely to get worse this year, despite indications of an economic rebound .
Sales have been boosted by China's economic rebound, which saw growth accelerate to 11.9 percent in the first quarter of this year.
Traders see the moves of the euro as a reading on confidence in Europe's ability to cut spending without spoiling an economic rebound.
In the spring, investors were shaken by the European debt crisis, the May 6 'flash crash' and signs the U. S. economic rebound was losing steam.
The global economic rebound is still fragile and commodity prices have leveled off as China's reported stockpiling of industrial metals and oil has waned.
Foreign venture capital flows to India have leapt in the past two months in the wake of the country's strong economic rebound and rising share prices.
But expectations of an economic rebound have not dispelled gloom among American consumers, whose confidence in the nation's economy fell unexpectedly this month.
"We too have serious concerns about China's exchange rate policy," the official said, adding that China should "resume" appreciation on the back of the economic rebound.
The defeated Prime Minister Lokke Rasmussen was seen to have done well to steer Denmark through the financial crisis, but the country's economic rebound is considered to have been sluggish.
But around Chernobyl, the two cataclysms remain linked, with the environmental devastation never allowing the region to benefit from the relative economic rebound in other parts of the country.
However, as the year rolls on investors may start looking to an economic rebound in 2009, especially if the Federal Reserve continues the cycle of interest-rate cuts that began in September 2007.
The V-shaped rebound in corporate earnings was an early driver of the nation's economic recovery. An upward tilt to job growth is now needed to sustain it.
More broadly, some of the contradictions inherent in the economic (and market) rebound are coming to the surface.
Experts say economic growth also is needed for Greece and other debt-strapped nations to rebound.
Like a number of its Asian neighbours, the Philippines has begun to rebound from the economic downturn.
Reaching a bottom does not mean a quick rebound in economic activity, however.
It finds economic recovery has been solid in most of Africa, noting the rebound is expected to push through at about five percent in 2011 and 2012.
“The 3.9% increase in emissions in 2010 was primarily driven by the rebound from the economic downturn experienced in 2008 and 2009, ” said Acting EIA Administrator Howard Gruenspecht.
“3.9%的增幅主要是受经济从2008年和2009年的衰退中复苏所推动。” 美国能源情报署代理署长霍华德·格鲁斯佩希特(HowardGruenspecht)说。
But just as that slump shows up in the economic statistics, more forward-looking evidence points to a rebound.
But just as that slump shows up in the economic statistics, more forward-looking evidence points to a rebound.