Ministers have begun work on the vexed issue of economic union.
Pakistan-China and eventually Afghanistan, Iran and Turkey seek economic union.
East German companies were suffering the adverse effects of German economic union.
Senior Eurocrats insist they are not about to propose fiscal transfers within a single economic union.
The economic union or the United States of Europe is moving towards increasing power as a world force.
The deepest financial crisis in a century has exposed the fragility of a monetary union without a fiscal and economic union.
Marriage is part an economic union, and it's easier to form a stable relationship when there is a steady source of income.
Now there is a huge crisis, so the euro is doomed unless its members pool more sovereignty when it comes to taxing, spending and borrowing, and create an economic union.
The two countries should use the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation as a key platform to integrate China's Silk Road initiatives and Russia's aspirations under the Eurasian Economic Union framework.
The European Union and the United States have imposed economic sanctions.
China has a record of sustained and dynamic economic growth that the Soviet Union was never capable of.
Yet by the time a 1991 European summit was held in the Dutch city of Maastricht, a plan for economic and monetary union (EMU) was written into a new EU treaty, to be ratified by member states later.
They were also outraged by the behaviour of bankers, whom one union leader accused of economic treason.
Part of the explanation is that, after more than a decade of underperformance relative to the European Union, Italians are used to economic distress.
I don't know how long will it be before all of the countries of the former Yugoslavia belong to the European Union and are hence reunited as an economic space.
Rather as America and the Soviet Union vied for influence through economic and military aid, the BRICs do now (though their competition is less fierce than the cold-war version).
The economic slumps that followed the collapse of the Soviet Union and those during the Asian crisis were not really depressions, argues Mr Eslake, because inflation increased sharply.
The economic slumps that followed the collapse of the Soviet Union and those during the Asian crisis were not really depressions, argues Mr Eslake, because inflation increased sharply.