Your predecessor, Ed Zander, had little interest in this, and instead insisted on parlaying his relationship with Steve Jobs into the ill-fated ROKR effort in order to prop up Motorola's stock price.
你的前任,Ed Zander,对此毫无兴趣,为了拉动摩托罗拉的股价,坚持将赌注押在了他和Steve Jobs的关系上,开发注定失败的ROKR。
Your predecessor, Ed Zander, had little interest in this, and instead insisted on parlaying his relationship with Steve Jobs into the ill-fated ROKR effort in order to prop up Motorola's stock price.
你的前任,Ed Zander,对此毫无兴趣,为了拉动摩托罗拉的股价,坚持将赌注押在了他和Steve Jobs的关系上,开发注定失败的ROKR。