In the numerical model a 'narrow slot 'method is adopted to simulate mobile shore line and an eddy viscosity method to simulate wave breaking.
For several situation presented in this paper satisfactory results are obtained using an improved eddy viscosity model and a smooth method of the eddy viscosity distribution.
The wave induced Reynolds stress is introduced into the wind wave interaction and closed by the eddy viscosity model.
The turbulence eddy viscosity was simulated by B L model and region time steps with the multigrid techniques being used in the code in order to accelerate the convergence.
The curvilinear semiorthogonal coordinate system and a turbulence model considering the anisotropy of eddy-viscosity are used.
An analytical expression of dissipation integral for kinetic energy integral equation is derived by two-layer eddy viscosity turbulence model and the power law of the velocity profile.
An analytical expression of dissipation integral for kinetic energy integral equation is derived by two-layer eddy viscosity turbulence model and the power law of the velocity profile.