The probe comprises an eddy current coil and a support means for carrying the coil in an orientation suitable for introducing eddy currents into material directly beneath a raised-head fastener.
该探针包括涡流线圈,以及支撑装置,该支撑装置用于承载 具有适于将涡流引入正好位于凸头紧固件之下的材料中的定向的所述线圈。
The basic principle of eddy current testing is introduced and the coil impedance responses due to the variations of the probe coil lift-off are analyzed and studied.
The key of the optimization design of a small eddy current sensor coil is to find out the reasonable expression of the optimization destination function.
The field on the TF coil is resolved into the normal and tangential components, the eddy current induced by two field components can be determined.
The results show that the distributions of the eddy current losses are nonuniform not only along the coil perimeter but also on the cross section of the coil.
This thesis mainly researches the methods which measure the mental thickness and the distance between the mental and the coil through adopting the technology of pulsed eddy current (PEC).
The output signals! of measuring coil for eddy current testing is rather complicated, but is essential for detection accuracy and reliability.
Calculations and experiments are carried out on both magnetic flux density and eddy current loss of the non-magnetic steel plate and of the coil in this model.
An airway in the center bit of the electric engine axis is used for taking away the heat which the magnetic coil and rolling eddy current loss produce.
An airway in the center bit of the electric engine axis is used for taking away the heat which the magnetic coil and rolling eddy current loss produce.