What we are planning is cutting-edge technology never seen in Australia before.
This shipyard is at the cutting edge of world shipbuilding technology.
"It seems crazy to me," says Gumbley, who is English, "that a cutting-edge-technology country is depending on a 40-year-old technology."
America is routinely at the cutting edge of Internet technology, but other countries are catching up.
No doubt it is the fate of all cutting-edge technology to eventually turn blunt, dull and outmoded, but that is a concern for another day, another era.
Tel Aviv has become a center for cutting-edge technology research and a major entrepreneurial hub.
But it's a little curious when you consider that this condemnation of industrialization appears in a film made using some of the most cutting-edge moviemaking technology ever devised by man.
We use cutting-edge technology (biometrics, mobile Banks) to ensure accounts are secure and accessible where people live and work.
At the time, radio was the hottest technology there was, and the White House was on the cutting edge.
With information warfare rapidly becoming an underlying strategy, the U.S. needs cutting-edge technology, and it needs it now.
The latest examples of the genre, which opened this year, have added a further twist: they combine small rooms at low prices with cutting-edge design and technology.
Yet he also empowered millions of people by giving them access to cutting-edge technology.
It is built using cutting edge technology and a brand new platform and it has got to be delivered right now.
I am fully aware that I am speaking to an audience in a country that has been at the vanguard of environmental protection, and the cutting edge of technology development and application.
A ZIP file of CSV text sitting at a fixed URL won't win any awards for being cutting edge, but it removes nearly any possible technology barriers for participating in the program.
The couple run a toy company, working at the cutting edge of robot technology for 30 years.
The Italian firm would supply it with “cutting-edge technology” in the form of fuel-efficient engines, small-car platforms and factory automation.
For example: good pay, better than average job prospects and the chance to work with cutting edge technology.
But except in some Internet businesses and computer gaming, South Korea has few start-ups or cutting-edge technology firms.
For many years energy efficiency was the poor relation to cutting-edge clean technology initiatives like wind and solar.
Operations are stupid and don't understand the new hotness - why can't they implement the cutting edge technology? Why are they so backward?
Infrastructure is crumbling even at top schools like the famed Indian Institutes of Technology, where once cutting-edge laboratories have grown obsolete.
Shor said the new pictures - photographed using cutting-edge technology - are clearer than the originals.
The cutting edge is in mobile and location-based technology, such as Grindr, a smartphone app for gay men that tells subscribers when there are other willing subscribers in their vicinity.
Operations are stupid and don't understand the new hotness - why can't they implement the cutting edge technology?
Baidu and Bing's partnership will combine each other's cutting edge technology and provide the best search experience for users.
The car looks and drives just like a standard London black cab - but underneath the bonnet is some cutting-edge technology by sports carmaker Lotus.
While these numbers don't suggest that JDO is a bad technology, they do suggest it's still on the cutting edge.
While these numbers don't suggest that JDO is a bad technology, they do suggest it's still on the cutting edge.