The plane rolled left and then rolled right. Then he caught an edge of his wing on the ground.
The electrochemical characteristics of carbon atoms on the edge and basal plane were determined by analyzing structure of graphite crystal and bond of different carbon atoms.
With OSPF Graceful Restart enabled on an edge device and its peer, the data plane can continue to process and forwarding packets even if the control plane fails.
在网络边缘路由器和其邻居路由器都支持OS PF平稳重启情况下,即使控制平面失效,数据平面也能够继续处理和转发报文。
Eyewitness reports said the plane clipped the top of trees while it was making its final approach, hit the edge of the airfield and burst into flames.
The flat sheet has a clasper at its one edge to hold end edge of display card and there is a fan located in the first plane.
Products coveraged PVC, ABS, PPE raw materials for the production of furniture kitchen cabinets, Lab teaching equipments, such as plastic floor and plane of the special-shaped decorative Edge.
The in-plane stability formula of the lattice beam-columns derived from the edge yield criteria also applies to the castellated beam-columns, and the results are conservative.
Examples are calculated by above method, a microstrip inset-fed patch antenna, monopole antenna mounted near the edge of a conducting plane and notch antennas.
Keeping a sharp edge on chisels and plane irons is absolutely necessary for the successful and safe use of these tools.
The edge internal branch crack problems for half-plane in antiplane elasticity are solved with complex potentials and singular integral equation approach.
The limit load formulae of single-edge deeply notched plates with round ends subjected to pure bend moment and tensile load under plane stress condition have been derived.
By inserting a slot at the edge of the rectangular slot on the ground plane and loading a C-shaped resonator near the microstrip line, dual band-notched characteristic at the central frequency at 3.
I will create a plane, select an edge from the side and will hold shift drag it, then I will align it and do so until I will cover all my little gaps, it's not hard but its time killing.
Based on the basic equations of the elastic plane problem, displacement fields and singular stress fields near the interfacial edge of bonded materials are obtained.
Mineral powders are good crystalline, and they break along the cleavage plane when they are comminuted, which cause the mineral powders have flat surfaces and sharp edge angles.
The image should be corrected by geometric calibration and edge-blending before projection in order to display image on the curved plane screen correctly.
Obstacle-free sector is a sector formed by an arc originating at the reference point of the edge of a helideck and extending outward in the horizontal plane level with the elevation of the helideck.
Cartons categories: -size type knife, knife edge repair, slotted knife, knife windmill shredders, casual propeller plane knife. Pipeline single-blade and CBN grinding wheel, and so on.
The edge internal branch crack problems for half-plane in antiplane elasticity are solved with complex potentials and singular integral equation approach.
The edge internal branch crack problems for half-plane in antiplane elasticity are solved with complex potentials and singular integral equation approach.