So the water bursting has time eff…
The EFF is a great resource for this.
She looked at J eff, who was waving his arms.
Qatar Airways officials expect the carrier to begin using the EFF in 2012.
The agreement of results of calculation with measurement shows the eff...
"Eff off," John told Antoine. Antoine effed off to the other end of the bar.
The results show that the sin-sliding-frequency guiding filters is most eff…
The EFF argued that more and faster information flow was generally a good thing.
Solution: Everyone should use resources like the EFF to protect our rights online.
Let us prepare to grapple with the ineffable itself, and see if we may not eff it after all.
The application of these methods can reduce the test facility cost and raise production eff…
The laboratory test achieved good technical and economical results, reaching the expected eff…
It's also shown the hydrocyclone with a smaller diameter of spigot has a better separation eff...
It is the important precondition to manage computer chamber scientifically, to make the equipment well eff...
The EFF found that certificates were being issued for nonsense words joined to made-up TLDs like . nyc, or . public.
The ones you once lived in that you haven't worn in ages because it's too much eff ort to stuff yourself inside them.
Now Apple has asked for that site to come down, a request that the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) says is out of line.
The practical testing results based on FCFS EFF DRR and PRR algorithms indicate this testing system is close to practice.
These are new ideas and new measures for improving moral education work as well as important means of increasing the eff…
Finally, the eff of the increase in the auxiliary antenna weight coefficients on the main antenna pattern is also discussed.
Using identity law in judiciary trials, the properness and consistency of asking and answer can be guaranteed to improve the eff…
The EFF recently released a guide to the privacy policies of eBook providers, from Amazon Kindle to Google Books to the Internet Archive.
Objective To evaluate the eff ec tof infected snail control with the intervention of health education and cattle supervising in marshland.
Many of us already track TOS changes for major companies by using modified RSS feeds, but this EFF solution seems like a more reasonable option.
An EFF spokesman has said, 'I am not aware of another technology company that is so strongly opposed to pre-release news coverage of its products.'
They could face up to five years in prison if they don't follow the statutory requirements to the letter," said EFF Senior Staff Attorney Matt Zimmerman.
如果他们不能遵循法律要求,那就需要有勇气去面对五年的牢狱之灾,”EFF的资深人员Attorney Matt Zimmerman说道。
An EFF spokesman has said, 'I am not aware of another technology company that is so strongly opposed to pre-release news coverage of its products. '
The results indicate that the capillary effect of ramie fabrics processed by RF glow discharging has been improved, the improvement of the capillary eff…
Many black women are praising Mattel for its eff orts – Black Barbie hit the shelves in 1980 with white features shared by many of the dolls following her.
许多黑人女性对美泰公司所作的努力都表示赞许—具有白人特征的黑皮肤芭比在1980 年出现在货架上, 继她之后的许多芭比娃娃都拥有这种特征。
This blue print is built on a platform which provides other services. The application programmer can reuse this component, thus it can improve their work eff…