Fiscal stimulus and the wealth effect of rising asset prices can provide only a temporary prop to domestic spending.
This feeling has, in a reversal of the boom's wealth effect, curbed consumer spending.
But a woman also looks for signs of other attributes, such as wealth, youth and kindness. Just the look of the man would be unlikely to have the same effect.
Harter explains that the more abstract sense of happiness to which wealth contributes has a different effect on one's life than daily happiness.
An alternative perspective is to look at the wealth effect of asset deflation.
The theory behind the wealth effect runs as follows. Housing is one of the main assets in which people hold their wealth.
Some of the results are old news: wealth, beauty, and pleasure, for example, have little effect on happiness.
In another study, Mr Slacalek finds that in industrial countries, the effect of a change in housing wealth on spending has risen in the past 15 years.
Consumers are struggling to cope with the impact of that on their wealth and with the effect of higher fuel and food prices on their wallets; a rise in interest rates may push them over the edge.
The bigger question is what effect double-digit house-price declines would have in a country where consumer debts have soared on the back of housing wealth.
The precise size of the effect depends on both the good in question and the wealth of those consuming it.
By the studying about this aspect, we can learn the effect of kickback on the social wealth.
Gold is not only because it is a symbol of wealth, it is also a "magic" beauty effect, can let the woman be permanent.
The wealth effect of stock market does exist in some western countries with high degree on securities.
This paper USES contract economics to investigate the impact of shareholder-stakeholder game on the shareholder wealth effect in merger and acquisition.
This thesis tries to inquire the mechanism and the condition of wealth effect of stock market.
The wealth effect has a relationship to the stock of national debt.
Third, the size of wealth effect is difficult to evaluate.
Exchange rate disequilibrium and adjustment will affect the price of real estate by liquidity effect, expectation effect, wealth effect, spill-over effect, and credit expansion or depression effect.
The level of its share price not only is the display of the management performance, but also has a huge wealth effect.
This article researches systematically the wealth effect of listing companies redeeming their stocks, by establishing the model of redeeming stocks.
Emphasized to discuss the education to consume to gather and homologous some properties, and deduce the matrix of a wealth effect and the price effect to mean.
The Internet has had a profound effect on clinical practice by providing both physicians and patients with a wealth of information.
It is the money demand of central bank, which causes the effect of wealth distribution that results in seigniorage.
One of the most discussed and argued problems in annexation Theory is the Wealth Effect of enterprises annexation.
The effect of appreciation on market price of estate is conducted through fluidity channel, wealth channel, anticipation channel, and currency channel.
The effect of appreciation on market price of estate is conducted through fluidity channel, wealth channel, anticipation channel, and currency channel.