Now, a team of researchers has discovered a novel mechanism determining whether a maturing t cell is likely to emerge from the thymus as an effector cell or a regulatory cell.
Eosinophils represent one of the main effector cell populations of allergic airway inflammation and allergic bronchial asthma.
T lymphocyte is the main effector cell of cellular immunity.
These results indicate that the functional properties of proximal and distal daughter cells reflect the phenotypic markers of effector and memory T-cell precursors, respectively.
These characteristics are consistent with the effector T-cell lineage.
The differential expressions of HSP70 in breast cancer drug sensitive cell line MCF7 and MDR cell line MCF7/ADR affect the cytotoxic activity of immunologic effector cells.
We also list the caveats that must be considered when deciding whether or not autophagy is an important effector mechanism of cell death.
Profound immunologic changes occur during pregnancy, involving a polarization of t helper cells towards a dominance of Th2 and regulatory t cell effector responses in both mother and fetus.
Profound immunologic changes occur during pregnancy, involving a polarization of t helper cells towards a dominance of Th2 and regulatory t cell effector responses in both mother and fetus.