For simplicity, efficiency and flexibility, the job submission user interface permits you to specify targets by individual target names or by predefined groups of targets.
For the most part, you don't want to optimize for speed, or bandwidth utilization, or any other type of efficiency — but for something more nebulous: user satisfaction.
Web applications can begin to break the chains of their thin client ancestors, which offer easier deployment of a networked application at the expense of user efficiency.
Satisfaction is a measure of how well people enjoy doing something (possibly the most interesting as a high user satisfaction has an effect on the users perception of effectiveness and efficiency).
The company should promote ease of use and job function efficiency improvements through better user interface design.
Availability of the database refers to the database should not refuse to authorize the user 's normal operation, while ensuring efficiency of the system.
To the user of dynamic lookup in C#, the DLR is invisible except for the improved efficiency. However, if you want to implement your own dynamically dispatched objects, the.
Determining the upper bounds of efficiency loss for user equilibrium behavior in traffic networks has become a hot topic.
The experimental results show that TROLL approach facilitates business user involved service composition and improve the efficiency of service oriented application construction on business level.
Low, green waterproof, high temperature, cold new LED lights, the lights of electricity users to reduce costs and create a user greater efficiency.
This paper has also made some research on the access framework based on user classification, the user management and the characteristics of authorization, and efficiency optimization.
The unfriendly user interface and single interactive means lack of awareness and nature, which affects the quantity and efficiency of learning.
The example presents that the ready blocks can be combined organically with user custom in SPW, so it can improve the programming engineers' efficiency and extend application fields of SPW.
The executive process of the method is illustrated by an instance, results indicate this method decreases user mutual operation, decreases cost of service and improves efficiency of service.
The Mass Customization is a kind of production model that provide customized product for user with batch-manufacture efficiency.
Simulation results show that this algorithm can lower the capacity loss of authorized user efficiently and improve spare spectrum efficiency, moreover, it can make access decision more efficiently.
Conventional CDMA communication system has serious mutiple access interference (MAI), so the spectral efficiency and user capacity of channel is not maximum.
The efficiency of recommendation system which is based on user interest model is particularly important for the goal of better quality of the recommendation.
Experiments on the real user queries showed that our system has achieved great performance in terms of both effectiveness and efficiency.
Because of the distinction of user data traffic, module load imbalance, so we must balance module load, improve module utilize rate, improve the whole system efficiency.
Method the filter efficiency, pressure, capabilities of inner environment and physiological parameters of the user were tested in different negative pressure conditions.
System has a good user interface, high query efficiency, rapid running speed, and it basically meets the management need of higher institutions on scientific research in information.
The example presents that the ready blocks can be combined organically with user custom in SPW, so it can improve the programming engineers' efficiency and extend application fields of…
The user-friendly interface and modular design of this software can effectively reduce the R & D time, improve design efficiency.
To improve the efficiency and accuracy of searching technology based on special area, the content of user query is extended according to stock ontology to be more relevant.
This paper is a study for OLAM and the software system can develop the see-sight of user and efficiency guide the aluminum production.
Experimental results show that the implementation can cluster the user access logs effectively, and the temporal and special efficiency can meet the on-the-fly need of Web server pre-fetching.
After entering into WTO, selection of accounting goal should be realistic reflection in maximization efficiency of information, so that can meet the needs of different accounting user.
User-defined logic can be added conveniently into SOPC design and it is the flexibility, tight coupling, high efficiency and low power consuming of user.
User-defined logic can be added conveniently into SOPC design and it is the flexibility, tight coupling, high efficiency and low power consuming of user.