The optimal technological parameters have an instructive significance for the production of egg albumen powder with high foaming properties.
Results:Indanedione can achieve more than 75% to the showing rate of fingerprint of sweat on paper within 30 days, and the showing rate to the fingerprint of egg albumen 30 days can be upto 95%.
This, for instance, is why egg whites change colour and texture when cooked: as the albumen in the whites loses its structure, its physical appearance is transformed.
Egg white: Also known as albumen, egg whites are very low in calories, little fat, no cholesterol, and are loaded with protein.
This, for instance, is why egg white changes colour and texture when cooked: bonds in the albumen in the white break and reform, changing its physical properties.
This, for instance, is why egg white changes colour and texture when cooked: bonds in the albumen in the white break and reform, changing its physical properties.
Fining - the process of clarification of a wine by introduction of albumen, e. g. white of egg or other suitable medium.
When you eat it like sliced torfu, it is albumen of egg boiled in tea.
The yellow, usually spherical portion of an egg of a bird or reptile, surrounded by the albumen and serving as nutriment for the developing young.
The yellow, usually spherical portion of an egg of a bird or reptile, surrounded by the albumen and serving as nutriment for the developing young.