Today Amazon moved to address this issue with the release of Elastic Block Storage (EBS).
如今亚马逊已经可以利用 弹性块存储(EBS)来解决这个问题了。
Another Amazon service, Elastic Block Storage, facilitates keeping this kind of data long-term by allowing transient data to survive AMI instances.
另一个Amazon服务Elastic Block Storage,通过允许将数据暂时保存到活动ami实例中,使这些数据能够长期保存下来。
In this article, you learn how to improve on the database's ephemeral storage using Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS). You further improve your data protection by setting up backups.
在本文中,您将了解如何使用AmazonElastic BlockStore (EBS)改进数据库的短暂存储,您可以通过建立备份进一步提高数据保护功能。
In this article, you learn how to improve on the database's ephemeral storage using Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS). You further improve your data protection by setting up backups.
在本文中,您将了解如何使用AmazonElastic BlockStore (EBS)改进数据库的短暂存储,您可以通过建立备份进一步提高数据保护功能。