The software about the frame design, apply the stiffening bar method and elastic foundation method to account the endogen.
Analysing the character of internal forces of anchor cable frame by winkler model and verifying it by field test a calculation method is put forward based on elastic foundation beam.
利用winkle r地基模型分析锚索框架的受力特征,并通过现场试验加以验证,提出锚索框架的弹性地基梁计算模式。
It is effective to use finite element method in monolithic analysis of an elastic foundation with the frame on it.
A calculating model is adopted which assumes that the contact relations between foundation and soil could be replaced by rigid-bars and elastic-bars could be instead of frame columns.
A calculating model is adopted which assumes that the contact relations between foundation and soil could be replaced by rigid-bars and elastic-bars could be instead of frame columns.